1. General provisions
1.1 With this license agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) Limited Liability Company «Ucoz-Media» (hereinafter referred to as the "Rightholder"), holding exclusive rights for software product-application «uToolbar» (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”), provides the right to use it, defining the procedure of the Application usage by any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) who has accepted the terms of this Agreement.
1.2. By copying the Application, installing it on your computer or using it, the User agrees with the terms of the Agreement without reserve or exemption.
1.3. Usage of the Application is allowed only on terms of this Agreement. If the User doesn't accept the terms of the Agreement to the full extend, the User doesn't have the right to use the Application for any purposes. Violation of any terms of the Agreement is strictly prohibited.
1.4. Usage of the Application on terms of this Agreement is free of charge.
2. Entitlements for the Application
2.1. All the exclusive rights for the Application belong to the Rightholder.
2.2. The User accepts and agrees that the Righthholder holds all the property and non-property rights regarding the Application including any intellectual property rights regarding the Application (irrespectively of the fact that those right are registered or not).
2.3. Non of this Agreement stipulations provide User the right to use trade names, trade marks, service marks, logotypes, domain names, brands or other distinctive marks of the Rightholer, unless otherwise agreed with the Rightholder in writing.
3. Application Terms of Use
3.1. The Rightholder provides the User with a non-exclusive and non-transferable right (open license) to use the Application in the following ways:
3.1.1. To utilize the Application for its intended direct purposes. To copy and install it on the User's computer(s) for these purposes. The User has the right to install the Application on the unlimited number of personal computers.
3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Application for nonprofit purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The User doesn't have the right to change, decompilate, disassemble, decipher or to perform other manipulations with the target code of the Application, which are purposed to obtain information on execution of the algorithms, that are used in the Application; to create derivative products using the Application; to use (allow usage of) the Application in any other way without a written acceptance of the Rightholder, besides using the Application in the amount and in the ways stipulated by this Agreement or the Russian Federation legislation.
3.3. The Application is provided on «as is» terms. The Rightholder doesn't provide any guarantees regarding error-free and uninterrupted work of the Application; compliance of the Application with the tasks and expectations of the User. The Rightholder doesn't provide any guarantees that are not specified in this Agreement directly.
3.4. The Rightholder is not responsible for any direct or indirect consequences of the Application usage or impossibility to use it; or/and any damage caused to the User or/and the third parties as a result of the Application usage or impossibility to use it, including possible errors or glitches of the Application.
3.5. The Rightholder may update or/and improve the Application at his discretion.
4. The final provision
4.1. The terms of the Agreement should be applied till the moment they are terminated at the initiative of the User or the Rightholder.
4.2. If the User wants to terminate the Agreement with the Rightholder, he/she can do it any time by means of the Application removal from the computer(s).
4.3. The Rightholder reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement without prior notice of the User. The changes come into force as of the date of posting them on the Internet at the address: http://utoolbar.ucoz.net/index/agreement/0-11
4.4. The relations between the Rightholder and the User regarding the Application usage are regulated by the Russian Federation legislation